The New Supply Chain Survey 2024
The Supply Chain Survey 2024 is launched soon. Read more about this 5 step survey to align the supply chain with the company strategy.
Read more about our annual supply chain survey edition 2024 focussing on strategy alignment, supply chain maturity and resilience. A tool that allows you to put your supply chain to the test. Read more about the survey and output that is delivered.
Supply chain optimization and network design. The core of our company. Where should produce our products? How many distribution centers do we need, what service levels can we promise our customers? After more than 200 projects over the past 15 years it is safe to say that this is our expertise. Read more about the questions we can answer for you and our approach to these strategis supply chain challenges.
Insight in the current sitution. One of the most important steps in every project we do is without a doubt mapping the current situation. Often one of the most time-consuming jobs, if not done in a structured manner. Visualizing and comparing costs, volumes and performance is something we have a lot of experience with and do in a very targeted manner. Without exception, it provides valuable insights.
Data literacy is the ability to understand and analyse data and use it as the basis for decisions. Without a doubt the key to success for a data-driven culture within any organisation. But stil a lot of work needs to be done in most companies in having a firm foundation. Read more about our practical approach helping companies to increase their data literacy.
Without a doubt the most important step in any given supply chain project: mapping the current situation. Visualizing and comparing costs, volumes and performance.
Today’s supply chain is where the capabilities of any organization are tested by just about every problem that can thrown at it.
Pon Logistics engaged in a process of continuous benchmarking of their warehouses.
In this project Ricoh wanted to evaluate the European structure and introduce new solutions in Eastern Europe.
In this project we designed a global network for Cisco Systems for their repair business.
The Supply Chain Survey 2024 is launched soon. Read more about this 5 step survey to align the supply chain with the company strategy.
The distribution of medicine on a global scale minimizing the costs, maximizing availability.
Without a doubt the most important step in any given supply chain project: mapping the current situation. Visualizing and comparing costs, volumes and performance.
Today’s supply chain is where the capabilities of any organization are tested by just about every problem that can thrown at it.
A complete transfer of the strategy into the daily operation.
A network design project with different divisions trying to achieve economies of scale.